Victoria's FASD Luncheon Corresponds with International Efforts

'Coming Full Circle' opens our community with awareness

-For immediate release-

Victoria, BC, August 3, 2005 - A luncheon celebrating the International Day of Recognition gets underway on September 9, 2005. The theme of the event, "Coming Full Circle", symbolizes a place where those with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are included in the full circle of life in our community.

The fundraising luncheon is being organized to honour and recognize those who have worked on the issue, raise awareness in our community and to generate funds to support the organization's ongoing work.

Recent statistics from Health Canada show that 1% of babies born on Vancouver Island fall somewhere along the FASD spectrum. Organizers are optimistic the fundraiser will raise awareness about this community issue that stems from poverty, abuse, violence, lack of services, and other factors related to health.

Victoria's Executive Director of FASD, David Gerry, says "the luncheon is an important community event that brings together those working on the issue, those affected by it and the champions of the cause, in an informal and supportive environment."

The "Coming Full Circle" Luncheon coincides with other international events taking place September 9 to symbolize the nine months of vulnerability the fetus faces when a mother drinks.

In order to recognize a local community member who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of FASD, the Slaheena (which means 'little feet' in the Sencolten language) group of pre and post natal mothers at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre is weaving a traditional Coast Salish blanket to be awarded at the luncheon. There will also be door prizes and a silent auction. Tickets are $40.00. The event takes place at the Chiefs and Petty Officers Mess, 1575 Lyall Street, from 11:30-2:30. The feature entertainer is Juno Award finalist, Marcel Gagnon.